“Hyper-Real Reboots”, the fourth book of poetry by Nepal-based writer Sudeep Adhikari has been recently released through Weasel Press; a small press based in Texas, USA. Professionally a PhD in structural engineering, Sudeep Adhikari is also a writer whose work has appeared in more than 150 literary international journals/magazines (online and print) such as Beatnik Cowboys, Chiron Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Midnight Lane Boutique, Occulum, Silver Birch Press, Eunoia Review, Utt Poetry , Spilling Cocoa over Martin Amis, Scryptic Magazine, Runcible Spoon, Medusa Kitchen, Amethyst Review, Artvilla, The Electronic Pamphlet, Penmen Review, Punk Poetry, Beakful, Ashe Journal, under the Bleachers and Aerial Chart .

He likes to identify himself as an indie writer, and draws his major source of inspiration from the underground literature and small press. Sudeep was also nominated for the 2018 pushcart prize (a reputed award for the writers working independently) for his poem “the murder of buddha” published in spring 2017 issue of Chiron Review.
He is currently working on a full-length book of poetry “I let the matrix in: anti-philosophical deep dreams” and an experimental poetry chap-book “despair is a mandelbrot set”.
He vehemently disagrees with the view that poetry needs to represent the contemporary psyche, and its socio-political discontents. According to him, poetry is a reality in itself, and just like life, it can be totally weird, personal and straight up absurd. Of course, sometimes it can be a voice of protest and discontent, sometimes it can point to the things amiss of our time; but he believes it doesn’t end there. Poetry reaches the deeper underground of human-condition where despair, loneliness, guilt, emptiness and remorse are commonplace.
Here is an excerpt from one of the poems from “Hyper-Real Reboots”:
the day stands on the same
bones of anxieties
and inertia. the same chirps,
that may be a song, or a howl of
a sedimented pain;
and many pieces of same sun
dancing outside my green blinds,
that for some reason
kept reminding me of
death or a muted orgasm.
According to the author, with “Hyper-Real Reboots”, he has no hidden agenda to motivate, enlighten or preach his readers; but to connect profusely, aided by its overlapping mosaics of light and darkness, guilt and humor, & despair and clarity.
Click here to get a copy of Hyper-Real Reboots at Amazon.