Update: Arthur Gunn got his Instagram account back. He shared the news on June 11th on his instagram post. He wrote “Rise & Shine! I got my access back to instagram. I want to say thank you all for being so supportive, i saw some of you all shared that i didn’t have access to my instagram, so that really helped. Anyway, we’re back again. And surprises are on the way!!! “
The instagram account of Dibesh Pokharel aka Arthur Gunn was recently hacked. He broke this news on Tuesday through his facebook post. He asked his fans not to respond to any messages and to be careful.
He wrote “So this happened! Since my last post in instagram, somebody hacked my account. I don’t have access to it at all. If anyone of you receives any kind of messages or anything, please be aware it’s not me and please don’t respond to it either. The location i got was from New York. I got to hand it to whoever you are. What an impressive thing to do, i’m just amused at it. That was too quick. That is some terrible thing to do, to hack someone’s account, invade privacy. Till this day i only heard about it but, Cyber crime is real. There were tons of my post of the stories of my life, the places i travelled, the poems. Most importantly, i was using the platform to spread good out in the world. And, there is somebody who doesn’t like it. What can i say, how can the world be better place when people out there have such intentions? This was an instagram account with tons of people who were connected. That was an social media, i can’t imagine what level they will reach to with such an intentions. Please share it if you like to.”
Read: Arthur Gunn Has A Bright Future After Being American Idol Runner-Up
One of his fans noticed that the link to Arthur’s album Grahan, that was posted in his bio was deleted.

Fans were quick to come into his support. Here are some of the comments from his fans.

Arthur Gunn was announced as the first runner-up in American Idol 2020.
Arthur Gunn on Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arthur_gunn/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arthurgunn122/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/me.dibesh
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArthurGunn122
Listen to his music on
Arthur Gunn ( Debesh Pokharel) OFFICIAL Fan Club. AMERICAN IDOL
Arthur Gunn’s (Dibesh) Nepali songs
21 year old, Dibesh chose a stage name that is also symbolic of the power of an English name, given that the land he calls home now would find it easier to relate to him by his adopted stage name of Arthur Gunn. He is making many people proud, and social media has been one of the bright spots in highlighting overlooked talents. Dibesh has now become a pride of Nepal, his homeland, and Wichita, Kansas, his adopted home since five years ago. Idol Chatter has provided some basic background information on the budding star. He had migrated after completing his school leaving certificate exam. Although not from a musical family, he was gifted a guitar by his mom as a child and was exposed to music in his environment. After a long gap, he took up music again a year before he left for the land of opportunities. It was in Kansas, he was introduced to country and blue grass music, which he has embraced in his singing. Dibesh is definitely on a new track of his life. His name recognition has leap-frogged and his talent is in the world sight.