After Nepal Electricity Authority(NEA) chief Kulman Ghising failed to be nominated for a second term by the government, people of Nepal became alarmed by the failure to honor good work by the elected two-third government. There have been protests from dissatisfaction on the streets by all factions of society with police use of force on them, even breaking the skull of a protestor.
Notwithstanding the pall that has fallen across the nation, the avante-guard cartoonist Rajesh Manandhar has managed to present the irony, fear, despair and total apathetic nature of the rulers about the issue.
One of the fear and popular talking points has been that the days of darkness, the 18-hour load shedding is bound to return so people have to start investing and repairing their inverters for backup power sources.

While the worries prevail in the population, there is also a perception that the decision to discontinue Kulman was at the behest of the lobby that wants to bring back the dark days so that their 4 Arba worth of batteries and other accessories can find a new demand, hence the agents of darkness has managed to supersede the angel of light.

During the pandemic, life has taken a new term, especially in the education sector. Being unable to hold regular classes in the school in the old way for the past six months, schools have been offering online Zoom classes, although for not all the students. Those who can afford or have digital means to take advantage are shown to be worried about the possibility that those classes might also be affected without a regular supply of power.
If it were not so poignant, we could really chuckle at the comics, but the pain in the psyche is too great for mirth to hold sway. Tragic!

While such a panic prevails in society across the country, the decision-maker is shown to be concerned about just one agenda that interests him, that is to hold on to the seat of power and privilege, no matter whether people die or landslides, earthquakes, coronavirus, or even the protests in support or Kulman Ghising. This has been proven to the nation as the voice and demand of people for one good bureaucrat they have found in the last 10 years is being overlooked and trivialized, while the corrupt and election-losers are being rewarded and medals are being given in an ironic environment in the capital.

Rajesh Manandhar is an Art teacher at Budhanilkantha school. He can be reached at
The writer is a graduate of Arizona State University in Political Science. He is working as a social activist and motivational speaker for students across Nepal since 2007. He also blogs at Strong Blog.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necesarily reflect the official policy or position of Nepalisite.